Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Taking The TOEIC Skills and Strategies 2 (Chapter 2: Grammar Practice)

Part 5

Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

1. Everyone who wants to join the marketing seminar via video link is required to connect _______________ 10:00 am.

2. _______________ the more exceptional salespeople were offered promotions in recognition of their contributions to the project.

3. They will be able to book their flight today, _______________ management has approved their vacation dates.

4. Once repairs were finished, the conference rooms were twice as _______________ as they used to be.

5. With such a superior location, they expect to earn twice _______________ much as they do now, virtually overnight.

6. To meet this deadline, the designers must be prepared to work longer hours—_______________ they would work in a normal week.

7. We need to point out that, due to a shipping error, the goods will _______________ arrive in time for tomorrow’s display.

8. While Frederick initially said he would look over the applications _______________, he later recruited the help of several managers.

9. _______________ the contractor has agreed to contribute 50% of the required capital, the company will be able to provide the remainder.

10. Although everyone has an ID card for the building, some of the new interns seem to be missing _______________.

11. June 5th _______________ we will change over to the new system for data processing.

12. He currently works as an engineer at a large downtown firm, _______________ he originally trained as an airline pilot.

13. The fact that yet another administrative clerk has resigned _______________ that there are problems with that position, which need to be addressed.

14. The event organizer commented that this year's seminar was _______________ attended than in previous years.

15. In the latest corporate survey, the majority of employees indicated that they wanted _______________ workday to start later.

16. Although many felt that this year's trade show was lackluster, many agreed that it could have been _______________.

17. Never could I have known that the idea I submitted to my manager would result in so much _______________ overtime.

18. What they _______________ was immediately contact the hotel to cancel the reservation for this coming weekend.

19. The reason _______________ they decided to visit Paris was to see the city’s numerous world-famous tourist attractions.

20. All the employees _______________ the committee are aware of the controversial information that was left out.